Source code for zoti_graph.genny.translib

import networkx as nx
import logging as log

import zoti_graph.genny.core as ty
from zoti_graph.appgraph import AppGraph
from zoti_graph.core import Uid

[docs]def flatten(G: AppGraph, **kwargs): """This transformation flattens any composite nodes rendering a system description made of only basic nodes: platforms, actors and kernels. The only exception to this rule is actor scenarios which are kept clustered as composites for further processing. After this transformation the following holds: forall n in nodes(G): | n.parent is platform node ⇒ n is actor node | n.parent is actor node ⇒ n is kernel node or composite node marked "scenario" | n.parent is composite node ⇒ n is kernel node (i.e., belongs to a scenario) *NOTE*: node IDs remain unchanged, regardless of the new hierarchy. """ # Mark scenario nodes to ignore scenarios = [ scen for act in for scen in G.children(act) if isinstance(G.entry(act), ty.ActorNode) and isinstance(G.entry(scen), ty.CompositeNode) ] for n in scenarios: G.entry(n).mark["scenario"] = True # Flatten everything except scenarios def _recursive_flatten(parent: Uid, node: Uid): entry = G.entry(node) if isinstance(entry, ty.KernelNode): return for child in G.children(node): _recursive_flatten(node, child) if isinstance(entry, ty.CompositeNode) and not G.entry(node).mark.get("scenario"): G.uncluster(node, parent=parent)" - Unclustered {node} to {parent}") for child in G.children(G.root): _recursive_flatten(G.root, child) return True
[docs]def fuse_actors(G: AppGraph, flatten, **kwargs): """This transformation fuses all inter-dependent actors within the same timeline. After this transformation there will be no EVENT-like dependency between any two actors belonging to the same platform node, i.e., the following holds: foreach a, b in p, where p is platform node in nodes(G): | there exists e in edges(G) such that e.src = a and e.dst = b => e.kind = STORAGE | => (inputs(a) in p) is disjoint from (inputs(b) in p) *TODO*: fuse FSMs """ def _fuse_children(proj, _nodes, _edges, msg, under=[]): deps = nx.subgraph_view(proj, filter_node=_nodes, filter_edge=_edges) for cluster in list(nx.connected_components(deps.to_undirected())): if len(cluster) <= 1: continue depgraph = proj.subgraph(cluster) if under: fused_id = under[0] else: fused_id, _, _ = list(depgraph.edges)[0] parsed_dep = list(nx.edge_bfs(depgraph, fused_id, orientation="ignore"))"{msg} {cluster} under {fused_id}") for u, v, idx, orientation in parsed_dep: fuse_edgs = [k for s, t, k in proj.edges(data="ports") if (s, t) == (u, v) or (s, t) == (v, u)] if orientation == "forward": G.fuse_nodes(fused_id, v, fuse_edgs) else: G.fuse_nodes(fused_id, u, fuse_edgs) yield fused_id for pltf in G.children(G.root, select=lambda n: isinstance(n, ty.PlatformNode)): # Double check if SIDE connections are marked (or at least have been disconnected) for actor in G.children(pltf): for port in G.ports(actor, select=lambda p: p.kind == ty.Dir.SIDE): for s, d in G.port_edges(port): if "storage" not in G.edge(s, d).mark: raise Exception("found non-marked connection between SIDE ports") proj = G.node_projection(pltf, no_parent_ports=True) fused_actors = _fuse_children( proj, _nodes=lambda n: not isinstance(n, ty.BasicNode), _edges=lambda u, v, k: "storage" not in G.edge(*proj[u][v][k]["ports"]).mark, msg=" - Fusing actors in the same timeline", under=G.children(pltf, select=lambda n: not n.mark) ) for actor in fused_actors: # Searching and fusing FSMs fsms = G.children(actor, select=lambda n: "detector" in n.mark) if len(fsms) > 1:" - fusing FSMs {fsms}") raise NotImplementedError # TODO # Fusing scenarios (OBS: force yield) sc_proj = G.node_projection(actor, no_parent_ports=True) # !!! list(_fuse_children( sc_proj, _nodes=lambda n: G.entry(n).mark.get("scenario"), _edges=lambda u, v, k: True, msg=" - Fusing scenarios")) return True