import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import marshmallow as mm
import networkx as nx
import zoti_yaml as zoml
from zoti_gen.jinja_extensions import __zoti_gen_env__
from zoti_gen.exceptions import TemplateError
ATTR_NAME = "name"
ATTR_BLOCK = "block"
ATTR_TYPE = "type"
ATTR_PH = "placeholder"
ATTR_CODE = "code"
ATTR_PROTO = "prototype"
ATTR_USAGE = "usage"
PRAGMA_PASS = "pass"
PRAGMA_NEW = "new"
PRAGMA_EXP = "expand"
FUN_CHECK = "check" # member of library component
FUN_LTOL = "label_to_label" # member of ProjHandler.resolve._map_bindings
FUN_UTOL = "usage_to_label" # member of ProjHandler.resolve._map_bindings
FUN_PTOP = "param_to_param" # member of ProjHandler.resolve._map_bindings
FUN_VTOP = "value_to_param" # member of ProjHandler.resolve._map_bindings
FUN_PTOL = "param_to_label" # member of ProjHandler.resolve._map_bindings
class Nested(mm.fields.Nested):
def __init__(self, nested, **kwargs):
super(Nested, self).__init__(nested, **kwargs)
def _deserialize(self, node, attr, data, **kwargs):
return super(Nested, self)._deserialize(node, attr, data, **kwargs)
except mm.ValidationError as error:
if zoml.get_pos(node):
error.messages = [str(zoml.get_pos(node)), error.messages]
raise error
[docs]class Template:
"""Container for a Jinja template."""
string: str
"""formatted string template"""
_parent: str
"""name of the parent node of this template function (for debugging)"""
def __init__(self, string, parent=None):
self._parent = parent
self.string = string
def __repr__(self):
return self.string
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.string)
def render(self, label={}, param={}, placeholder={}, info=None, **kwargs) -> str:
context = {
"label": {k: LabelSchema().dump(p) for k, p in label.items()},
"param": param,
"placeholder": placeholder,
tm = __zoti_gen_env__.from_string(self.string)
return tm.render(**context)
except Exception:
ty, msg, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
while exc_tb and "template code" not in exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name:
exc_tb = exc_tb.tb_next
lineno = exc_tb.tb_lineno if exc_tb else -2
raise TemplateError(self.string, context, err_line=lineno,
info=info, parent=self._parent)
class TemplateField(mm.fields.Field):
"""A template function is a Shell-like formatted string where all the
variables are exposed as arguments. This function is meant to be
called by the `Rendering <rendering>`_ engine which would fill in
the arguments.
The formatted string syntax is documented `here
def _deserialize(self, node, attr, data, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(node, str):
raise mm.ValidationError("Expected string template.")
return Template(node, parent=attr)
def _serialize(self, obj, attr, data, **kwargs):
if isinstance(obj, str):
return obj
return obj.string
[docs]class Requirement:
Illustrates prerquisites. Stores input iterables (e.g., lists) as
dependency graphs.
:param requirement: dictionary of iterables.
requirement: Dict[str, nx.DiGraph]
""" Dictionary of dependency graphs. """
def __init__(self, requirement, **kwargs):
self.requirement = {
key: nx.path_graph(req) for key, req in requirement.items()}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
ret = pformat({
key: list(graph.nodes())
for key, graph in self.requirement.items()
return f"Requirement({ret})"
[docs] def update(self, other: Optional["Requirement"]):
"""merges two ``Requirement`` entries updating the dependency
if other:
for key, graph in other.requirement.items():
if key in self.requirement:
self.requirement[key] = graph
[docs] def dep_list(self, key) -> List:
"""Returns a list with the solved dependencies for a certain
requirement type."""
return list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(self.requirement[key]))
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
return {key: self.dep_list(key) for key in self.requirement.keys()}
# class RequirementSchema(mm.Schema):
# """Illustrates prerequisites for the parent element. Internally it is
# represented using a :class:`zoti_gen.core.Requirement` class. It may
# contain the following entries:
# :include: (list) files or modules to be included in the preamble
# of the generated target artifact
# """
# include = mm.fields.List(mm.fields.Str())
# @mm.post_load
# def make(self, data, **kwargs):
# return Requirement(requirement=data)
class RequirementField(mm.fields.Field):
"""Illustrates prerequisites for the parent element. Internally it is
represented using a :class:`zoti_gen.core.Requirement` class. It may
contain the following entries:
def _deserialize(self, node, attr, data, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(node, dict):
raise mm.ValidationError("Expected dict requirement.")
return Requirement(requirement=node)
def _serialize(self, obj, attr, data, **kwargs):
return obj.requirement if obj is not None else None
class Ref:
"""Hashable reference to a user block or a library component."""
module: str
"""qualified name of module"""
name: str
"""name of block"""
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.module}.{}"
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{self.module}{}")
class RefSchema(mm.Schema):
"""A reference is an entry pointing to an object by its qualified name
and/or path. Since ZOTI-Gen documents are flat (i.e., they consist
in a flat list of block descriptions), and the only objects
referenced in ZOTI-Gen are blocks, the only access mechanism
implemented is referencing by (block) name. Hence, every reference
entry will have the following mandatory fields:
:module: *(string)* the full (dot-separated) name of module
containing the referenced block, even if that means the current
:name: *(string)* the name of the referenced block.
For less verbose reference syntax one could check the ``!ref``
keyword in the `ZOTI-YAML <../zoti-yaml>`_ language extension and
module = mm.fields.String(required=True)
name = mm.fields.String(required=True)
def make_ref(self, data, **kwargs):
return Ref(**data)
class Bind:
"""Deserialized version of a binding, containing directily bind
resolver arguments."""
func: str
"""name of the binding function (see schema entries)"""
args: Dict
"""arguments passed to the binding function"""
_info: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
class BindSchema(mm.Schema):
"""A binding between one of the labels or parameters of the parent
block and a label or parameter of the referenced block.
Internally it is represented using a :class:`zoti_gen.core.Bind`
class. It needs to contain *only one* of the following entries:
:label_to_label: (dict)
:parent: (str) ID of parent
:child: (str) ID of child
:usage: (`Template <#code-template>`_) rendered with context:
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: bind/label_to_label
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: bind/label_to_label
:usage_to_label: (dict)
:child: (str) ID of child
:usage: (`Template <#code-template>`_) rendered with context:
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: bind/usage_to_label
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: bind/usage_to_label
:param_to_param: (dict)
:parent: (str) Parent parameter
:child: (str) Child parameter
:value_to_param: (dict)
:value: (str) Value as simple string
:child: (str) Child parameter
label_to_label = mm.fields.Nested(
"parent": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"child": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"usage": TemplateField(required=False),
usage_to_label = mm.fields.Nested(
"child": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"usage": TemplateField(required=False),
param_to_param = mm.fields.Nested(
"parent": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"child": mm.fields.String(required=True),
value_to_param = mm.fields.Nested(
"child": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"value": mm.fields.String(required=True),
param_to_label = mm.fields.Nested(
"parent": mm.fields.String(required=True),
"child": mm.fields.String(required=True),
_info = mm.fields.Raw(data_key="_info", load_default={})
def make(self, data, **kwargs):
func, args = [(k, v) for k, v in data.items() if k in KEYS_BIND][0]
return Bind(func, args, data["_info"])
def dump_bind(self, obj, orig, **kwargs):
return {orig.func: orig.args}
def validate_bind(self, data, **kwargs):
allowed = [k for k in data.keys() if k in KEYS_BIND]
if len(allowed) != 1:
msg = f"Only one of the following key is allowed: {repr(KEYS_BIND)}"
raise mm.ValidationError(msg)
[docs]@dataclass # (init=False)
class Instance:
"""Entry binding a placeholder in the parent's template code to
another block.
placeholder: Optional[str]
""" ID for the template placeholder """
block: Optional[Dict]
""" ID of the block referenced to fill the placeholder """
directive: List[str]
bind: List[Bind]
""" list of bindings between the parent block and referenced block """
usage: Template
""" Target-dependent template passed by type system """
_info: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
class InstanceSchema(mm.Schema):
"""Refers to another block and (at minimum) triggers its evaluation by
the the `Rendering <rendering>`_ engine. It can define an
inclusion relation between the parent and the referenced blocks,
in which case the referenced one would occupy the space pointed
out by a *placeholder* markup in the parent's
template. Furthermore, the relation between the two blocks can be
enforced by a set of *bindings* that connects the labels and
parameters of the two blocks. Internally, aln instance is
represented using a :class:`zoti_gen.core.Instance` class.
To define a block instance within the parent block the following
entries might be used:
:block: (`Reference <#reference>`_) points to an existing
(i.e. loaded) block.
:placeholder: (string) the name of the placeholder, as it appears
in the parent's `Code Template <#code-template>`_.
:directive: (list of strings) directive flags passed to the
`Rendering <rendering>`_ engine.
:`bind <#bind>`_: (list) bindings between the labels and
parameters of the parent block and those of the referenced
:usage: (`Template <#code-template>`_) defines how this block is being
instantiated in case it is not expanded inline (e.g., as
function call). The template string is defined by the type
system. It is rendered with the following contexts, depending
on which directive is passed:
- ``expand`` is in directives
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: instance/usage-expand
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: instance/usage-expand
- ``expand`` is not in directives
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: instance/usage-noexpand
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: instance/usage-noexpand
placeholder = mm.fields.String(required=True, allow_none=True)
block = mm.fields.Nested(RefSchema, required=True, allow_none=True)
directive = mm.fields.List(
required=False, load_default=[]
bind = mm.fields.List(Nested(BindSchema), required=False, load_default=[])
# usage = mm.fields.String(required=False)
usage = TemplateField(required=False, allow_none=True,
load_default=Template("", parent="instance/usage"))
_info = mm.fields.Raw(data_key="_info", load_default={})
def make(self, data, **kwargs):
return Instance(**data)
class Label:
""" Carries information about labels (filled in by type system) """
name: str
""" Unique name in the scope of a block"""
usage: Template
""" Default usage template. Called on top-level (non-binding) instances."""
glue: Dict
"""Dictionary of templates passed from the type system."""
_info: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
class LabelSchema(mm.Schema):
"""A label is the low-level code equivalent of a 'port'. Its function
is to provide a name which can be used in bindings and glue
generation. Internally it is represented using a
:class:`zoti_gen.core.Label` class.
:name: (string) unique ID in the scope of the parent block
:glue: (dict) entries with glue code tailored for various
circumstances, provided by the type system and accessible from
within the code template using the `label.<port_id>.glue` key.
:usage: (`Template <#code-template>`_) defines how this label is to be
expanded in the code. Provided by the type system. Rendered
with the following context:
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: label/usage
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: label/usage
name = mm.fields.Str(required=True)
usage = TemplateField(required=True)
glue = mm.fields.Mapping(
required=True, # , validate=mm.validate.NoneOf(["name"])
# values=TemplateField(), # TODO
required=False, allow_none=True, load_default={})
_info = mm.fields.Raw(data_key="_info", load_default={})
def make(self, data, **kwargs):
return Label(**data)
class LabelListField(mm.fields.List):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.base = Nested(LabelSchema)
super(LabelListField, self).__init__(self.base, **kwargs)
def _serialize(self, pdict, attr, obj, **kwargs):
if pdict is None:
return []
return [
self.base._serialize(p, attr, dict(pdict), **kwargs)
for p in pdict.values()
def _deserialize(self, plist, attr, data, **kwargs):
if plist is None:
return None
names = [p["name"] for p in plist]
if len(names) != len(set(names)):
raise mm.ValidationError("Duplicate names in label list")
return OrderedDict([
(p["name"], self.base._deserialize(p, attr, plist, **kwargs))
for p in plist
class Block:
""" Base class for block structure. """
class Schema(mm.Schema):
"""A block describes a unit of code that might be related to other
blocks through bindings and might contain a
template. Internally it is represented using a
:class:`zoti_gen.core.Block` class. Blocks are described using
the following entries;
:name: (mandatory, string) the unique ID of the block
:type: (`Reference <#reference>`_) points to an
externally-defined library template which would fill in
the corresponding entries below, as documented in
`Template Libraries <template-libs>`_ page.
:`requirement <#requirement>`_: (dict) block prerequisites
:`label <#label>`_: (list) label entries, each with a
unique name
:param: (dict) generic parameters passed as-is to the template
renderer, accessed with the `param` key.
:`instance <#instance>`_: (list) other blocks instantiated
from this one.
:code: (`Template <#code-template>`_) containing this block's `Code
Template <#code-template>`_. Rendered witn the context:
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: prototype
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: prototype
:prototype: (`Template <#code-template>`_) defines this block's type
signature, as provided from a type system. Rendered with
the following context:
.. literalinclude:: ../../src/zoti_gen/
:language: python
:start-after: # CONTEXT-BEGIN: code
:end-before: # CONTEXT-END: code
name = mm.fields.String(required=True)
requirement = RequirementField()
label = LabelListField()
param = mm.fields.Mapping(required=False)
code = TemplateField(allow_none=True)
prototype = TemplateField(allow_none=True)
instance = mm.fields.List(Nested(InstanceSchema), required=False)
_info = mm.fields.Raw(data_key="_info", load_default={})
def make(self, data, **kwargs):
return Block(**data)
name: str
""" Unique ID of block. """
prototype: Template = field(default=Template("", parent="prototype"))
""" Target dependent function signature provided by the type system """
requirement: Optional[Requirement] = None
""" Block prerequisites."""
label: OrderedDict[str, Label] = field(
default_factory=lambda: OrderedDict())
""" Ordered dictionary of labels """
param: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
""" Generic parameters """
code: Optional[str] = None
""" Target code for block, either as Jinja template or as raw text """
instance: List[Instance] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
"""list of instances that bind template (code) placeholders to other
_info: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
def getLabelKeys(self):
return list(self.label.keys())
def getLabelNames(self):
return [ for l in self.label.values()]
def getInstancePlaceholders(self):
return [i.placeholder for i in self.instance]
def getInstanceBlocks(self):
return [repr(i.block) for i in self.instance]
def getType(self):
return type(self)