The ZOTI-FTN LanguageΒΆ
The ZOTI-FTN language consists in a small syntax used for describing data types. ZOTI-FTN files represent modules and can have the following structure:
ftn = import* moddef
import = "import" id ("as" id)? ";"
moddef = moddecl modspec ";"
moddecl = id ":" "module"
modspec = "{" binding* "}"
A module consists in multiple bindings from names to type specifications, as specified in the following parser rules:
typespec = (aggrspec / simplespec)
aggrspec = aggrkind "{" binding* "}"
aggrkind = "structure"
binding = id ":" typespec ";"
simplespec = (arrspec / atomspec / intspec / boolspec / voidspec / typeref / attrref)
arrspec = "array" attrspec typespec
atomspec = "atom"
intspec = "integer" attrspec
boolspec = "boolean" attrspec?
voidspec = "void"
typeref = id "." id attrspec?
attrref = "constant" attrspec
attrspec = "(" (attrs / attrval / constref)? ")"
attrs = attr (";" attr)*
attr = id ":" attrval
attrval = id / rangeval / intliteral
constref = id
id = r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*'
rangeval = intliteral ".." intliteral
intliteral = "-"? radix_pfx? r'[0-9A-Za-f]+'
radix_pfx = r'0[xXoObB]'
The attributes (attrs
) differ for different types, and the allowed
enties are documented in the AST schemas (e.g., for the
target-agnostic AST or the C-specific
AST). The allowed keywords are:
ATTR_IMPORTS = "imports"
ATTR_MODULES = "modules"
ATTR_TYPE = "type"
ATTR_FIELDS = "fields"
ATTR_ENTRIES = "entries"
ATTR_CONTEXT = "context"
ATTR_ELEMENT_TYPE = "element-type"
ATTR_TYPE = "type"
ATTR_REF = "ref"
ATTR_RANGE = "range"
ATTR_ENDIAN = "endian"
ATTR_BIT_SIZE = "bit-size"
ATTR_LEN_FIELD = "length-field"
ATTR_INFO = "_info"
TYPE_INTEGER = "integer"
TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"
TYPE_VOID = "void"
TYPE_ATOM = "atom"
TYPE_ARRAY = "array"
TYPE_STRUCTURE = "structure"
TYPE_REF = "ref"
TYPE_CONSTANT = "constant"
TYPE_MODULE = "module"
To parse an input file into its AST one can use the CLI tool associated with this package, e.g.
python3 -m zoti_ftn -h