
CWE-1335: Promote readability and compatibility by using mathematical written code with arithmetic operations instead of bit-wise operations

C and C++ used to have two design patterns in order to optimize resource utilization:

C and C++ no longer promote these design patterns. The use of bit-wise operations for arithmetic or flag registers can reduce readability, predictability of the code and can also cause compatibility issues. Some bit-wise operations can reduce performance. Python tries to safeguard changes between positive and negative numbers by storing the sign separately. It tries to prevent overflows by using either 32-bit unsigned integer arrays with 30-bit digits or 16-bit unsigned integer arrays with 15-bit digit [Rusher 2017]. In other words, Python changes and adapts on the fly.

The code demonstrates bit-wise operators available in Python.

foo = 50
bar = 42
print(f"foo = {foo} = {foo:08b}") # :08b is just for pretty print
print(f"foo = {bar} = {bar:08b}\n")

# bit wise operations in Python:
print(f"foo << 2 = {(foo << 2):08b}")   # binary shift left
print(f"foo >> 2 = {(foo >> 2):08b}")   # binary shift right
print(f"~foo     = {(~foo):08b}")       # flipping bits
print(f"foo & bar  = {(foo & bar):08b}")    # binary AND
print(f"foo | bar  = {(foo | bar):08b}")    # binary OR
print(f"foo ^ bar  = {(foo ^ bar):08b}")    # binary XOR

Output from above

foo = 50 = 00110010
foo = 42 = 00101010
foo << 2 = 11001000
foo >> 2 = 00001100
~foo     = -0110011
foo & bar  = 00100010
foo | bar  = 00111010
foo ^ bar  = 00011000

The code demonstrates how Python 2 changes an int to long to prevent an overflow condition while Python 3 is always storing an int as long [Python 3.10.5 2022].

for shift in [16, 32, 64]:
    bar = 5225 << shift
    print("foo << " + str(shift) + ": type " + str(type(bar)) + " " + str(bin(bar)))

Left shift in changes type to long class in Python 2:

foo << 16: type <type 'int'> 0b10100011010010000000000000000
foo << 32: type <type 'int'> 0b101000110100100000000000000000000000000000000
foo << 64: type <type 'long'> 0b10100011010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Left shift in stays type int class but stores as long Python 3:

foo << 16: type <class 'int'> 0b10100011010010000000000000000
foo << 32: type <class 'int'> 0b101000110100100000000000000000000000000000000
foo << 64: type <class 'int'> 0b10100011010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Non-compliant Code Example (Left Shift)

Multiplication by 4 can be archived by a 2x left. The code demonstrates an attempt to calculate 8 * 4 + 10 in one line.

""" Non-compliant Code Example """

print(8 << 2 + 10)

The code results in printing 32768 instead of 42. Adding brackets print((8 << 2) + 10) would fix this specific issue whilst still remaining prune to other issues.

Compliant Solution (Left Shift)

The statement in clarifies the programmer’s intention.

""" Compliant Code Example """

print(8 * 4 + 10)

It is recommended by CWE-191, Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound) to also check for under or overflow.

Non-compliant Code Example (Right Shift)

In this non-compliant code example is using an arithmetic right shift »= operator in an attempt to optimize performance for dividing x by 4 without floating point.

""" Non-compliant Code Example """

foo: int
foo = -50
foo >>= 2

The expectation of the >>= 2 right shift operator is that it fills the leftmost bits of 0011 0010 with two zeros resulting in 0000 1100 or decimal twelve. Instead a potentially expected -12 in foo we have internal processing truncating the values from -12.5 to -13.

Compliant Solution (Right Shift)

The right shift is replaced by division in

""" Compliant Code Example """

foo: int
foo = -50
foo /= 4

Automated Detection


MITRE CWE Pillar CWE-664: Improper Control of a Resource Through its Lifetime (4.13) (
MITRE CWE Base CWE-1335: Incorrect Bitwise Shift of Integer (4.12)
SEI CERT Coding Standard for Java NUM00-J. Detect or prevent integer overflow
SEI CERT C Coding Standard INT32-C. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflow
ISO/IEC TR 24772:2010 Wrap-around Error [XYY]


[Rusher 2017] Python internals: Arbitrary-precision integer implementation [online]. Available from: [accessed 8 May 2024]
[Python 3.9 2022] Build-in Types [online]. Available from: [accessed 8 May 2024]